I don’t write in a journal everyday, but I have accumulated many entries over the past 50+ years beginning in 1966. Some items evolved into longer works. Among the leftovers little pieces survived. I thought a collection of these with a piece culled from the same date in a past year would make an interesting yearbook. The consistencies and inconsistencies of mind, skipping back and forth across time, provide varied perspectives. It is difficult to remember the context of the past we’ve lived; we also make suppositions about times that predate ourselves.

The few alterations from original drafts were to improve clarity. The worst of my work is not included. There remains enough mediocrity and immaturity to make me feel humble and you feel smart. There are also moments of accidental insight and incidental humor.

Author Stephen Crane referred to his little pieces as pills…apparently they were small and somewhat hard to swallow, but good for you.

Comments Welcome!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The way is backward

October 31, 2013  (I was 68)

The way is backward
along a mobius pass
What was walked outward
forward is now the inner path 
I was seen now I see 
I was heard now I listen
what was smell is now aroma
I was touched now I feel 
I had tasted now have taste
no where is the tunnel there to here

When the way is icy
sharpen skates
When the way is hot sand on bare feet
walk at night
When the way is uncertain
sit and breathe
When the way is billowed fog
welcome home
When the way is lit by stars
admire the kingdom
When the way seems overwhelming
be inattentive

johnkallio.com Go to AUDIO page,
Listen to my rendition of
Aquainted With The Night  by Robert Frost 

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

from Harangutan

October 30, 1994  (I was 49) 

      from Harangutan
Young paleontologists spend four
months in the southern Sahara recovering
dinosaur bones of previously unknown species;
stories of predators and victims’ cases reopened
eons beyond the statutes of limitation.
Young historians working hard to become history,
elated to be a footnote, potentially a chapter.
The energy of adrenaline dims memory
of double fortnight jeep caravans
across treacherous sands more vast than
a capitalist nation and with threats as real.
Persistence brings home the bones;
the clever young scientists vow
this is only the beginning.

johnkallio.com Go to AUDIO page,
Listen to my rendition of
Aquainted With The Night  by Robert Frost 

Monday, October 29, 2018

even more slogans from the 8th grade bulletin board

even more slogans from the 8th grade bulletin board
–posted over my teaching years

I refuse to have a battle of wits
   with an unarmed person.
If it don’t make sense
   it’ll never make dollars
Children should be beaten once a day
   If you don’t know why, they do.
Hug your kids at home
   belt them in the car
The hand is quicker than the eye
   but only the nose runs
The first human to hurl a curse instead of a weapon
   founded civilization
Never fall for a tennis player
   to them love means nothing
Keep an open mind
   and people will fill it with garbage.

johnkallio.com Go to AUDIO page,
Listen to my rendition of
Aquainted With The Night  by Robert Frost 

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Because I was never stuck in the woods

10/28/17   (I was 72)

Because I was never stuck in the woods
I never thought I was lost nor found
Because I didn’t know what to do next
I thought I hadn’t paid attention to directions
Because I had some physical competence
I thought my brain would catch up
Because I wanted to please someone
I thought someone would eventually be pleased
Because I thought the game wasn’t over ‘til the end
I thought I’d make a helluva comeback

johnkallio.com Go to AUDIO page,
Listen to my rendition of
Aquainted With The Night  by Robert Frost 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Billy The Kid (chapter 117)

from this week in 1969  (I was 24)

   Billy The Kid (chapter 117)
Hey, Billy the Kid,
you’ve got dust on your shirt.
Dust on boots is understandable
and you’ve plenty of that,
but on your shirt?

If you stopped just outside of town
to blotch it on,
I’m disappointed.

It doesn’t look blotched,
but maybe you’ve done it before
and know how to get it on just right.

At any rate, I’d rather believe your are real
standing there without a hat
at the water trough.

I guess your nickname had never before
stuck in my mind;
it will from now on.
You are a kid,
or maybe I’ve grown old.

In how many other places like this
have you stopped at a trough
to soak your neck cloth,
and how many times have you mounted
and ridden on with a quick nod to a man
who may have grown old?

johnkallio.com Go to AUDIO page,
Listen to my rendition of
Aquainted With The Night  by Robert Frost 

Friday, October 26, 2018

Can you get up? How many fingers?

from this week in October, 2006  (I was 61)

Can you get up?  How many fingers?
You got your bell rung.  Can you stay in?
It’s true.  It happens.  I saw stars.
Not stars exactly, sparklers.
Shit ya I can stay in
What the hell kinda langwidge is zat?
Cool dark night of my senior year
Took it on the chin, mighta been kicked
Part of the game, happen zall a time
Back in the huddle call signals for the play
really nice night someone carries the ball
Threw a block in there like I was suppose ta
Kept on goin’ and things took me with ‘em
Sometimes seems it was most real
Combined waking with reality of dreams

johnkallio.com Go to AUDIO page,
Listen to my rendition of
Aquainted With The Night  by Robert Frost 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

There are times the microcosm gets kicked in

from this week in October, 2006  (I was 61)

There are times the microcosm gets kicked in
and all is awash in blood light
Anxious dread that it’s too late
to correct a mistake of exposed weakness
Futility looms in the rapid patchwork attempt
to construct a temporary defense
that may not work at all
but may make time to think of something better
Then the persistent fury abates
as if the resolve of the invading force weakens
The dams hold with seams leaking
and we take our breaths in relative calm
to consider major repair to our small craft
knowing it will never be enough for all that’s out there

johnkallio.com Go to AUDIO page,
Listen to my rendition of
Aquainted With The Night  by Robert Frost 

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

more slogans from the 8th Grade bulletin board

October 24

more slogans from the 8th Grade bulletin board
–posted over my teaching years

Give me ambiguity, or give me something else
Time wounds all heels
Truth is the first casualty in any conflict
We are united by our doubts, divided by our convictions
When it comes to helping you some people stop at nothing
A verbal agreement isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on
I used to be lost in the shuffle until
   I started shuffling along with the lost
Consistency requires you to be
   as ignorant today as you were yesterday
I’ve done so much with so little for so long
   I can now do anything with nothing.
In communism man feeds upon man
   in capitalism it’s the other way around.

johnkallio.com Go to AUDIO page,
Listen to my rendition of
Aquainted With The Night  by Robert Frost 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

When did the first identity I might recognize

from this week in October, 2010  (I was 65)

When did the first identity I might recognize
patch from an ancestor unknown
even a single generation ago
part of its soul into me
If they knew no one talked
If they wrote no one kept the script
If they sang no song was ever heard
I have not any art from them

johnkallio.com Go to AUDIO page,
Listen to my rendition of
Aquainted With The Night  by Robert Frost 

Monday, October 22, 2018

All the knowledge known and expressed

October 22, 2010  (I was 65)

All the knowledge known and expressed
cannot equal the known but unexpressed
So much written but never read
pictured or sculpted and never seen
composed arranged and unheard
fabrics woven never felt
fragrant esters inhaled but once
tastes of numbers and notions
found and forgotten a thousand times
images thought by disembodied mind
thoughts imaged by unmindful hand
Master work in the bottom drawer
of a cabinet in grandfather’s basement
If we find but one piece
we search forever for another

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Been waitin’ there’s a delay

October 21, 2006  (I was 61)

Been waitin’ there’s a delay
Expected arrival before yesterday
Expected very little and not exactly what
I suppose it’s supposed to be
I’ll take what I can get
but ain’t lookin’ for naught
Have always known nothing’s free
Try to stay out of debt
Hope to receive what it is I bought

Get somethin’ and it gets you
Own it’s what you got to do
Find a place to keep it and put it where
you can get used to using it
Let it grow to be a help
on a shelf beneath the stair
Ownership no excusing it
whimper a guilt repent a whelp
Give what you can and buy what you dare

Saturday, October 20, 2018

What we have we have to give

from this week in October, 2006  (I was 61)

What we have we have to give
Greed is a seed that will not digest
No platitude can survive
the cynical appetite of gluttony
We eat each other out of fear
that we will be eaten

What value resides in the currency of the past
A few collectors pay quaint dollars
for essays on morality
written a hundred fifty years ago
when the land on which we stand
knew no one like us

The dream the adult tries to realize
is out of date before the attempted fact
before the bewildered eyes of his child
to whom the symbolism is obscure
The context inaccessible
as stilted dialogue from an old movie

Better to offer the silence
hidden beneath all our progress
in the depths of a cave or mineshaft
or under the weight of water
or within the darkness of space
unoccupied and un-interpreted

Friday, October 19, 2018

She may run

October 19, 2015

She may run
when I can’t walk
She has fun
when she can talk
Though I may not be erected
she may be elected
I don’t know to what office
I’m leaking from an orifice
Asking why, I’d implore her
then probably vote for her