I don’t write in a journal everyday, but I have accumulated many entries over the past 50+ years beginning in 1966. Some items evolved into longer works. Among the leftovers little pieces survived. I thought a collection of these with a piece culled from the same date in a past year would make an interesting yearbook. The consistencies and inconsistencies of mind, skipping back and forth across time, provide varied perspectives. It is difficult to remember the context of the past we’ve lived; we also make suppositions about times that predate ourselves.

The few alterations from original drafts were to improve clarity. The worst of my work is not included. There remains enough mediocrity and immaturity to make me feel humble and you feel smart. There are also moments of accidental insight and incidental humor.

Author Stephen Crane referred to his little pieces as pills…apparently they were small and somewhat hard to swallow, but good for you.

Comments Welcome!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Though I am a citizen and I live here

November 30, 2010  (I was 66)

Though I am a citizen and I live here
this is not my country
No matter that I always vote
and campaign for those who speak my voice
Our arrogant governance in the world
humiliates me
the autocratic savior complex
I am told and I know
what we do maintains the lifestyle I enjoy
But there are many lifestyles I can love
and the enjoyment of what I have
is relative to how many others have it too
and what we did to get it
So this is not my country yet

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I’m not sure but I think there was a time

from November, 2013  (I was 68)

I’m not sure but I think there was a time
I should have downshifted and turned a corner
or maybe sped up in high to get somewhere fast
I could have sought advice or read some directions
I’m not even sure I didn’t do those things

There was a time the totality of life seemed easy
and only the insignificant particulars were difficult
The totality was in the hands and minds of others
adults who understood the situation I only perceived
a perception self-centered and foolish I knew

There was a time I could not give what I did not have
It was never correct to do that but it was a tradition
to tell the young to take care of the penny
and the dollars would take care of themselves
So now there’s a tarnished cent among the dirty dollars

I’ve never been anything if not presumptuous
thinking sooner or later to be of some worth
therefore worthy of tolerance until then
Now that I’ve not altered gear nor direction
everyday is too familiar to be somewhere else

Monday, November 28, 2016

Everything I focus on

from this week in November 1971  (I was 26)

Everything I focus on
is only a fragment 
perceived by a fragment of attention
I flash
like a Picasso person
pure sense essence
without grotesque flesh
or reasonable circumstance

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thought Before Sleep Last Night

from this week in November, 2015   (I was 71)

   Thought Before Sleep Last Night
Avoided Nam by being young and dumb
Student deferment through ‘66
Graduated married became a teacher and father
exemptions all ‘til I turned twenty-six
too old to be taken
reached a militarily un-trainable age
Locked in my recalcitrant ways 
having dumb luck the smartest thing I ever did

Saturday, November 26, 2016

The DELETE is the great key to success

November 26, 2013  (I was 69)

The DELETE is the great key to success
it sends the highlighted mess to cyberspace
Errant thought and sloppy construction
erased without scar or cover-up
Physical ineptitude of fingers keyboard
mistakes that multiply in the awshit of their discovery
Gone with a single stroke
A little light above the heavy curtain of the confessional
changed from red to green upon your exit
to indicate unoccupied but to me a symbolic message Go
Proceed With A Clean Slate
even though I never believed it true 
I believe the DELETE
An hour later in the street I don’t remember
the ill-conceived foolishness and there is no evidence
of damage nor inkling of wrong-doing
If in the life of bricks and blood
a touch of the REGRET upon mindful memories
could restore the mindless innocence
which preceded our momentary ignorance
I would be willing to recall and relate
every awfuck revelation that occurs to me

Friday, November 25, 2016

It all seemed so real at the time

from this week in November, 1972  (I was 28)

It all seemed so real at the time
and the reality froze the moments
accessible cold and clear and I burn
a sacrifice of this moment
to lie about a little of it
One ember upon the hearth is a lie
The hearth keeper won’t let it burn down the house
He snuffs it
I may not be able to get at it
It’s tricky telling a lie so as to reveal the truth
I admire people who can use the truth to lie
What could I having thus spoken say to follow it

Thursday, November 24, 2016

All the storybook lives are not in storybooks

November 24, 2012  (I was 68)

All the storybook lives are not in storybooks
The ones that are will fit into movies
whose conventional length has shrunk in my lifetime
from two hours to ninety minutes or less
a reduction of twenty-five percent
while life span has increased considerably
and we think more complexly so
there ought to be material for more involved
story-book lives in multifaceted detail
but we think we’ve seen it all
know how it should end
don’t like it when it doesn’t
like in our own lives
where heroes are as ambiguous as the side they’re on
Common local villainy is inconspicuous
lost among our blatant international piracies
in explosive color and surround sound
a cover-up on an epic scale

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Someone before me decided rain on my roof

from this week in November, 2012  (I was 68)

Someone before me decided rain on my roof
should not drain directly off the slant
but caught in gutters to downspouts funneling
to corners of expedient convenience and past logic
This delivery system is quite efficient
as long as there are no trees nearby
It was devised when the neighborhood was new
trunks still held by stakes below the roofline
We live among foliate monsters now
whose sheddings fill the aqueducts in every season
to decompose into mushy verdant gardens
At an inconvenient time they must be cleaned
accessed by slippery ladder moved station to station
shoveled out by hand then flushed by hose and still
there are storms each year that overwhelm the system
pour off the roof in the most direct manner possible
I consider appropriate truisms of our existence
a zazen acceptance of a waterfall in the window
Thankful for a roof overhead

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

In a purer time enchanted

November 22, 2006  (I was 62) 

In a purer time enchanted
in a submissive time entranced
academic time engrossed
religiously enraptured
spiritually enhanced
Now anchored in ennui
boxed by lack of movement
and unwillingness to move
work too much work
Doubting what to build
as awareness may be enough
Doing not-doing undisciplined
doers done are my undoing
What’s done is d’one

Monday, November 21, 2016

The way we can take a dust ball

from this week in November, 2013  (I was 69)

The way we can take a dust ball
an entire microbic universe
and flush it into an alien existence
can we doubt the scope of cosmic disruption
that might instantaneously occur
Having some familiarity with Italo Calvino
I can’t help but think no one really knows
how long we can hide under the bed
I used to imagine all of creation
occupying the space above the brine
in some giant’s pickle jar residing
on a lower shelf of a dark cabinet
until someday when the unknowing giant
has a taste for another pickle
I think the results amount to the same thing

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Is it the command over another’s decline

November 20, 2007  (I was 63)

Is it the command over another’s decline
that makes one age?  It seems so.
Deciding what is to be discarded,
what was written that will never be read,
what in the closet will never be worn;
it makes one more than the specter of death.
I have discarded wardrobes of the soul,
eliminated expressions to a savable few.
The Grim Reaper is a heartless editor,        
humility a byproduct of playing that role.
Where is the repository of life?
How careless of any Grand Design
to leave it to those left behind,
to one who may have read Sound and Sense
but survived only through expedience.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

When it comes to decomposition

November 19, 2013  (I was 69)

When it comes to decomposition
given enough time we‘re talking
reduction to basic elements of matter
miniscule matters of substance
We come more and more to resemble
photos of our aged grandparents
Freedom of choice is cosmetic and fashion
the bell curve arc of hormonal behavior
the youthful excursions of chemical consciousness
Occupation and pre-occupation labor and fanaticism
diminish to the essential choice we did not make
It’s a matter of genetics
But what of the consciousness that knew existence
What of the awareness of is
the natural selection of continued perception
of which the I was made 
In what realm of protean DNA does it continue
to re-form in purposeful progression
Always this veil of the incomprehensible

Friday, November 18, 2016

Poi Boy

November 18, 2015 (I was 71)

                  Poi Boy
Morgan Toledo farms kalo in Waipio Valley
he and his family crew (it’s taro to you)
In watery fields they plant the shoots
nurture the leaves that broaden in the sun
as the roots swell in the sodden soil
They harvest bulbs bigger than grapefruits
From each they trim five new buds
then scrub and chop the dense tubers
They’ve mechanized to a mechanical crusher
eliminating the tedious pounding
Henry tends to the mashing straining
mushing bagging and labeling by hand
manhandles maintenance of the new machine
Lavender paste with almost no waste
The demand is far greater than
five thousand pounds produced each week
Morgan Toledo has plans to expand
five times the plants next season
in newly cleared fields to nourish the industry
Locals complain fresh poi is five dollars a pound
When they think about it they pay it

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Everyday that man wandered in the woods

from this week in November, 1971  (I was 27)

Everyday that man wandered in the woods
and he watched all that happened there
but especially the leaves which fell in time
and broke brown upon the ground
He did not know what to think of this
Some leaves drifted others dove
That man watched while seated on a rock
Reasons are alien to my comprehension
he said to himself as he watched the fall
And each day that man wandered from the woods
with bare limbs and leaves left still behind

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

If it was a test

from this week in November, 2010  (I was 66)

If it was a test
I tried to do my best
just like all the rest
but if I had to guess of it
I’d say I made a mess of it

I always saw the jest
that gave tears their zest
When the bird left the nest
I took flight and headed west with it
where I guess I made a mess of it

Indistinct dreams are lost
when the pair of dice is tossed
Got symbols and signals crossed
and slogged through the cess of it
after I made a mess of it

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

This dumb duck would take off

November 15, 2012  (I was 68)

This dumb duck would take off
fly in a circle then splash down in the same place
swim in and out of the reeds
duck his head preen the plumes and take off
for another lap  He seems to have forgotten
what other ducks know when they take flight
to wit which way to go  He missed the flock
north in the spring fall in the south
In his tightening orbits over the pond
the dumb duck quacks after every take off
apparently surprised he knows how to fly

Monday, November 14, 2016

Dumb Ducks

from this week in November, 1977  (I was 32)

                  Dumb Ducks
The thing is, it seems ducks will live anywhere.
They are quite indiscriminate;
more than a few find their way out of the woods.
They populate roadside drainage ditches and swamps;
they live with pigeons and gulls in city park lakes
floating among the paper scraps,
feeding on a diet of popcorn and white bread
and lead bb’s to aid digestion.
Dogs and kids break their legs.
They swim in circles.
These are not old ducks;
they did not know to think and became unable to fly out.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Those boxes in the garage

November 13, 2010  (I was 66)

Those boxes in the garage
packed and labeled and stacked
from another part of life
we never intended to abandon
when we renovated
A pyramid of cardboard stones
where a car should be
a monument instead of a movement
Some things create their own past
somethings entombed we never meant to bury

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Inspirational Television

from this week in November, 1980  (I was 35)

         Inspirational Television
You’ve got Earl Campbell breaking into the secondary,
He bounces off linebackers pivots outside or inside
then runs like water through an open funnel

You’ve got Carl Sagan bursting out of the solar system.
He articulates the stars, expletives in the void,
brain matter funneling through a black hole.

Then you’ve got Bob Dylan born again like nobody else,
turns down wings and walks the edge of Heaven;
flips the funnel over the audience and gets them looking up.

There’s Johnny Carson coming through the curtain,
nods to Ed, fakes to Doc, illuminates the limelight
and slides the celebs down the couch.

Earl Campbell, Carl Sagan, Dylan and Johnny.
They are so stylish doing what they do
I think polished thoughts driving to work next morning.

You’ve got Kallio moving through the traffic
flashing in and out of grace,
muscle and physical universe, mind and wicked smile.

Friday, November 11, 2016


November 11, 2007  (I was 62)

adjective applicable to nearly any noun
as in the expression “Gimme a fuckin’ hamburger”
common to the Iron Range region of Minnesota
circa 1960, and in other American localities
where workers come up hungry from the pit
also used to modify the plural as in
“and some fuckin’ fries”
when ordered at the Itasca Café
locally known as The Pit
“and a fuckin’ Grain Belt please”
Its use warranted no exemption from manners  
and there are fuckin’ kids in the joint
who listen and understand the sweetness
of habitual pleasantries when the waitress replies
“’Spose you want some fuckin’ ketchup for the fries

Thursday, November 10, 2016

When I used to be Catholic

November 10, 1980  (I was 35)

When I used to be Catholic
prayers earned indulgences
Years ago people saved S&H Green Stamps
On the west coast people saved Blue Chip Stamps
Maybe some people still do that
but I don’t know where the hell you get the stamps anymore
I haven’t seen a premium catalog in years
As you received them one for every dime spent
you’d paste them thirty to a page into thirty-paged redemption books
Sometimes you’d buy an electric fry pan and get pages at a time
More often you got a few buying a buck’s worth of gas
I remember a crazy car dealer once on TV
He offered stamps on the down payment for new cars
You had to go to a redemption center to redeem the books
You could get redeemed for anything
a TV or another electric fry pan or a dozen golf balls
The redeemers wore aprons and rubber fingers
They flipped through your pages
handled the spit and wages of your accomplishment
They gave you the reward you saved for
a little bit of heaven with every visit

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Pleasanton Ridge Hilltop 3 Minimals

November 9, 2008  (I was 63)

    Pleasanton Ridge Hilltop 3 Minimals
Pond flanked by depth-measuring oak
Two teal occupy here part of each year
Level so low and reflection so green
the two have missed their season

Three stacked boulders
embedded like a pillar
in an oak trunk
posed this way certainly
more than a hundred years
elevated shelf seat
from which to write
Vulture shadow crosses the page

From stone throne regard persistent oak
trunk halved and long burnt
it smells of remembrance soft moss
iridescent reminiscence
Coyote alerts me then trails into trees

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The older I get the more upset

November 8, 1970  (I was 25)

The older I get the more upset
I am to be learning
the flame for which I search
is the same one I’ve been burning

Monday, November 7, 2016

I am waiting to use my own house

from this week in November, 2012  (I was 67)

I am waiting to use my own house
in a manner to which I am accustomed
There is little of it I actually own
but I am satisfied with a room or two
with kitchen privileges  For this I perform
menial tasks dishes laundry shopping and such
A life that leaves room for reflection
when the cleaning lady makes her visit
So now as I sit in my car at the park
I watch another world in my rear view mirror
A young mother pushes young daughter
on a swing while another pulls young son
out of the dirt and into a car
Moms shove and tug themselves out of a life
from which they have not yet fully grown
realizing now they cannot look back
while watching them I do

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Paineful Song

November 6, 1967  (I was 22)

         Paineful Song
Thomas Tyme and brother Tim
soled shoes and sold shoes
That man came to buy
the shoes sold soled and guaranteed,
but before he bought
he thought Tim ought
to wear one out ot see
that he would not
after he bought
need to ply the guarantee.
So Tim tried one
and Tom the other.
Their trials made no holes,
and from that day
their shingle did say
These are the Tymes
That try mens’ soles

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Genius is not obvious in so many of us

from this week in November, 2007  (I was 62)

Genius is not obvious in so many of us
and we know it before anyone else
So many of us adopt the guise of expert
which is what geniuses would become
if they focused  I might be an expert
on licorice if I knew my anise from my extract 
Many are those whose expertise is liquorish
The expert craftsman sells his craft
The expert sailor sails his craft
for the expert wholesaler who crafts a sale
and delivers the goods fit for the gods
to the expert and deserving do-gooders
among us focused but not obviously genius

Friday, November 4, 2016

I live my machine life

November 4, 1973  (I was 28)

I live my machine life
dreaming of spare parts
printed circuits
and oh for an oil change
And even you
with your optional gagetry
You run me through
with your programmed dialogue
automatic transmission
Someone ought to pull our plugs

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Cleanhead walks alone

November 3, 1974  (I was 29)

Cleanhead walks alone
he cannot be intimidated
he has no guilt

Cleanhead cleans the air he breathes
He inhales questions
His exhalations are answers

Cleanhead does not speak
his voice is an instrument
his sound clears the senses

Cleanhead has arrow vision
void of ego or implication
his gaze is telepathic

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The learning of the new

from this week in November 2008  (I was 63)

The learning of the new
comes not from the ground
not the baked clay of California
nor the black loam of Minnesota
nor the pyrric glass of Hawaii
The few foreign grounds I walked upon
seem not much different
in towns and cities built over
with shops and churches
And in the country field and forest
yield as ever the fragrant must
of knowledge that has always been

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

I never could do hard work so I

November 1, 2013  (I was 68)

I never could do hard work so I
did easy work.  Hark work had no
purposeful end for me.  Easy
work had a reason.  Something I
made would be fun later.  A place
I invented could be visited again.
Hard work felt like my life was ending.
The more I did the closer it got.
Hard work required a hiding place.
Sometimes others made hard work
harder.  They required an escape-
ownership of even a moment- two
breaths, a task at a distance.  Easy
work defined itself, made itself obvious
without mention.  Often I found myself
doing easy work with no awareness of
having begun.  The tools of easy work
are very light.  I improvised ways to
use them.  It is hard to be the cause
to produce the correct effect.  It is
easy to be the effect that wonders
at the cause.  I wonder at the cause.