I don’t write in a journal everyday, but I have accumulated many entries over the past 50+ years beginning in 1966. Some items evolved into longer works. Among the leftovers little pieces survived. I thought a collection of these with a piece culled from the same date in a past year would make an interesting yearbook. The consistencies and inconsistencies of mind, skipping back and forth across time, provide varied perspectives. It is difficult to remember the context of the past we’ve lived; we also make suppositions about times that predate ourselves.

The few alterations from original drafts were to improve clarity. The worst of my work is not included. There remains enough mediocrity and immaturity to make me feel humble and you feel smart. There are also moments of accidental insight and incidental humor.

Author Stephen Crane referred to his little pieces as pills…apparently they were small and somewhat hard to swallow, but good for you.

Comments Welcome!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

In the library


March 7, 2011    


In the library

even when I write bright

the intensity of the light

is subjective in fact

comparatively dim

when I stare down the stacks

and see the glow

that still escapes

from row upon row

of closed volumes

some ignited centuries ago

Monday, March 6, 2023

That classic sidestep by the matador


from this week in March, 1976  (I was 31)


That classic sidestep by the matador

that en passant of the bull ring

what’s that called?

It’s the basic deception

the stare over the cape

then the move upon the toes

looking right and going left

What is this, longing for Hemingway

or for  Death in the Afternoon?

No it’s for that clean break

befuddlement of the opposition

without a blinking compromise

The arrogant and the dumbfounded

together on the floor of the arena


Sunday, March 5, 2023

At one time a line of words


March 5, 2006  (I was 61)


At one time a line of words

would come to my attention

in a tone of potential importance

and I would immediately write it raw

record it where I would encounter it again

or as often examine it then

listening to it

to think of what it might say next

or of what was said before

and to consider how those sounds sounded

Now after many a line of words

potential importance seems to be relative

Words that would not save the world

are relegated to the memory file

where they are easily forgotten or obscured

or absorbed by resounding sounds

and it is the consideration that is lost

the expressive struggle to say what it was

in such a way that another might believe it

or might offer an irresistible revision

Thursday, February 23, 2023

How did grammatical aspects come to be


February 23, 2018  (I was 73)


How did grammatical aspects come to be

so long and effectively unbeknownst to me

Perfective verbs express completion of action

and of course the imperfective verbs…

express the incompletion of an action

or the completion of an inaction

In iterative I reiterate the repetitive

continuous action signified by the single act

Frequentatives are habitual actions I inhabit

Desiring to be desiderative

one verb derives from another

indicating my wish to perform the action

expressed in the original verb

which I so often do

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

The sights are so easily lost


February 22, 2009  (I was 64)


The sights are so easily lost

the eternity of the universe

disappears in the details of days

less than a week in the man-made world

diminishes the being of world-made man

         walk in the dirt and on leaves under trees

         breathe in wind blown miles to your lungs

         acknowledge the calls of birds

position the web of the spider

between the eye and the sky

The sight of then and that of when

transports thou out of now

the this of this to the wish of that

reading the log or plotting a course

when you could be navigating

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Postcards from Hell


February 21, 2014  (I was 69)


Postcards from Hell

You never know exactly where you are

A lot of mirrors and in each a different appearance

yet every one a recognizable reflection


Went to the portrait gallery

Nothing but mug shots


There is a distinction made between

those here for what they did

and those here for what they thought

but no difference is made by that distinction


We hear Oh go to Hell

is a favorite expression among the angels


Sometimes letters get through from above

mostly looking for drugs and alcohol


Finally saw some blue devils

They used to be Eskimos


Darwin used to be here

but he evolved


Things can get out if you can find the border

Thing is there are no definable borders


Screw up here

and you’re born again


Here we know

we all shared all guilt

a knowledge of which

those in heaven are ignorant

Monday, February 20, 2023

Roethke wrote


From this week in February 2012  (I was 67) 


Roethke wrote

  great first lines

    but like a fiddle

      he put it in the middle

    good place for that sound

  if first can be found


First lines I intend to steal as he is not looking:  

-I know it’s an owl.  He’s making it darker.

-A sneeze can’t sleep

-scratched the wind with a stick / the leaves liked it

-when you plant, spit in the pot 

-A pick likes to hit ice

-who stands in a hole never spills


Sunday, February 19, 2023

Every decision to read something


from this week in February 2008  (I was 63)


Every decision to read something

is a decision not to read something else

It is what makes books a wonder

or such a waste of time

what makes short stories or essays

economical investments

and some poems polished stones


Some readers are sprinters

words and phrases no more than cinders underfoot

ideas finish tapes to be broken through

records smashed into generalization

They think the author’s nuance

is their own deduction

Elementary my dear Watson a veritable primer

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Some words sound better than they mean:


from this week in February 2018  (I was 73)


Some words sound better than they mean:


Disdain is sworn to scorn but falls gentle as rain

Rebuff merely needs a hyphen to provide a slight polish

The music of odium too lovely to be malevolent

Taking umbrage might be carrying too much luggage

Antipathy a balletic step backward in courtesy

Maniacal a Broadway hit with dancing mannequins 

Friday, February 17, 2023

How did grammatical aspects come to be


February 17, 2018  (I was 73)


It’s a passageway like a tunnel through a mountain

as on highway 50 when you break through

the darkness within the granite to the light

blue and the spectacle of Yosemite Valley

around you and below you welcoming your descent

beside falling water under bright sun

through bracing air to settle and walk

the floor of the earth connected again 

The boring through that stone night

is a mediation a liaison a brush with the eternal

juxtaposed with the brilliant fleeting relevance to come

Thursday, February 16, 2023

The squeaky wheel:


February 16, 2014  (I was 69)


The squeaky wheel:

a)    is a CFO

b)    eventually grinds to a halt

c)    ran over a mouse

d)    is a bar

A leopard cannot change:

a)    a flat

b)    the actions of an ant

c)    into a leotard

d)    but it sure can run

The bigger they are:

         a)  the looser the fit

b)    the more likely to be named Goliath

c)    the fewer to the barrel

d)    the smaller we seem

If you don’t like the way the table is set:

a)    set it yourself

b)    fire the maid (in Spanish)

c)    eat in the living room

d)    overturn the table

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

It is the imp in the bottle the embrace of leprosy


from this week in February 2013  (I was 68)


It is the imp in the bottle the embrace of leprosy

Empathy is to fade upon seeing the faded

an ability to hear the words of the dumb

It is to choke on the gasps of the dying

to smell the funeral in a bouquet of flowers

to taste the taint of mother’s milk gone sour

the regret in the burning of a flag

to disintegrate in the corruption of an idea

Obviously empathy goes a bit too far for me

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Lent, Gas Line


from this week in February, 1974  (I was 29)


  During Lent, Gas Line


I’ve exhausted my supply

my energy’s been drained

my engine stands cold

there’s no gas in the tank

a procession of autos

kneels at each station



Monday, February 6, 2023

It doesn’t surprise me


February 6, 2011  (I was 66) 


It doesn’t surprise me

     you were the one to become a soldier

and there are a dozen more

     my mind would place in uniform

You never expressed the wish nor willingness

     but I would have guessed you sensed aroma

in the stench of heroism and duty

     Now you’ve lived long enough to taste the rust

from the rotten iron of irony


I understand the choices were few

     for all of us in the cold

We took hold of the life lies in front of us

     pulled and were pulled in return

Some got the short string

     others tangled in the knots

A few untied a packaged gift

     they assumed they deserved from birth

with that bow around their little finger

Sunday, February 5, 2023

There was this guy who had a card table


February 5, 1970  (I was 25)


There was this guy who had a card table

set up in the mall of a shopping center.  He had a cardboard

box with some kittens in it.  A marking pen sign said

FREE KITTEN –If you promise to give it a good home.

Another guy with a little girl asked about a kitten.  The

first guy asked if he gave his word of honor to give the

kitten a good home, so the other guy says, yes.  Well the

first guy just holds the kitten and says, “Say it.”  The second

guy turns red.  Then he smiles and says, “I give you my

word of honor, the kitten will have a good home.  He took

the kitten and kept on smiling as he left with the little girl

holding his hand.


Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Doubt of the Benefit


February 4, 2014  (I was 69)


         The Doubt of the Benefit

Sometimes you just put one in for the system

You spend the entire day mopping up

The only other people I see mop just as much as me

It aint no thrill to find I’m the one caused the spill

Understand I do it in belief I affect the system

or in the same way I still pray long after

I quit believing in religion 

Harder to do each day

Each day the system has another way to explain

the role of those who serve the system

out of love out of duty out of belief they are valued

not only for their ability to mop but for their knowledge

of where exactly to mop on any given day


Friday, February 3, 2023

Not so much in the doing


from this week in February 2012  (I was 67)


Not so much in the doing

as in the having done

nor in the making compared

to having made the grade

Between the conception and accomplishment

lie the discouraging details

assumed as debt to establish the worth

The art within the finished product

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Every tender sparrow…+


from this week in February 1975  (I was 30) 


   Every tender sparrow…

those final flutterings

where hopes are denied

dreams resolved


the day is brightest

the air is clear

the stone will not fly


it wants the soft earth

the warm sun

the seed left in the clay



The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is small

Hell my Uncle Nick could have painted it

It would then of course be entirely green

and up close smell of alcohol

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

What became of the social contract


from this week in February, 2020 (I was 75)


What became of the social contract

I remember when I first came to live here

in the fall of 1966 When all was so new for us

driving the Nimitz freeway to the Bay Bridge

when the traffic moved both fast and smooth

in time to the music on the radio

Cars signaling changing lanes even trucks

in mutual trust and respect for right of way

It inspired confidence in the grandeur

of civic behavior and cooperative effort

to attentively assure we all got to our destinations

in that alluring city on the Hill above the blue and windy sea   

Moving smoothly through the tunnel of Treasure Island

to emerge into the loveliness of accessible possibility

Just another manifesto now lost to the worm of cynicism

and recalled only in fictional idealism of old lyrics 


Tuesday, January 31, 2023

There are worse virtues than courtesy


from this week in January, 1976  (I was 31)


There are worse virtues than courtesy

even for the revolutionary.

In fact, identifying the proper enemy

before opening fire

becomes an essential weapon

to insure sympathy for the cause.

How often failure to exercise this mere gesture

is read in the biographies of dead soldiers

Monday, January 30, 2023

I have never had a human Master


January 30, 2014  (I was 69)  


I have never had a human Master

or I have had a failure of recognition

I have had inspiring teachers of particular knowledge

None with an overall conceptual guidance

to which I could commit adherence

Any who assumed that elevation soured within me

The submission was distasteful the creed questionable

I have found serene paths among masterful trees

stone thrones from which to contemplate

Wind fills and drums the lungs

gives voice to tree and every aspect of geography

Birds offer the element of inquiry

The message is of the moment and present situation

The promise is of continuance but not of eternity